This blog is all going to be about beauty! I'm gonna concentrate on eye makeup looks as of now and see how that goes & then maybe get into hair and OOTD. Plus some blogs with my opinion on things related to beauty and such.
I'm doing this because it's what I do best, if you like it, I would LOVE to hear about it & if you don't then tell me what I do wrong, please & thanks !
You won't be disappointed with the stuff that's coming up! Just show some support & don't discourage me like a brown mom :( (Since most of you will be girls & maybe aunties? oh gosh). Yes I'm blogging because my mother doesn't allow videos (yet). Maybe one day I can do those too when all the male species are wiped out from the face of the earth. Yupp it's all because of you guys.
I would honestly LOVE to read some feedback ! xoxo
This is nicee